Get to know people better

Get to Know People Better!

Rush, rush, rush! That’s what we all seem to do these days. We’re always rushing and worrying about getting stuff done. And unfortunately, sometimes we get more caught up in our ‘to do list’ than the actual people we share our lives with.

Sadly, in the rush to succeed, sometimes other people become things or inanimate objects to us, rather than the wondrous, inspiring, and interesting human stories that they truly are. We are really missing out on the good things in life when we don’t allow ourselves to fully know people.

Let’s take a moment to consider the people in our life. Let’s pause and spend the next moment wisely by thinking about our family, our friends, our classmates, our co-workers, our teammates, and anybody else that we come into contact with on a daily basis. How well do we really know all of these interesting people? Is our knowledge of them just a surface understanding, or do we really deeply know all of these people? Do we know what makes them tick? Do we know their favorite foods or favorite places to go? How much do we really know about their favorite pastime, or hobby? You see, we all think that we know the people in our lives, but do we really?

Many of us are so caught up in our own story of survival and/or success that we rarely ever get a chance to dive deeply into someone else’s story. But, yet, we should take the time to dive deeply into someone else’s life because it is worth the time and effort. In addition, there are so many fascinating stories out there that we’re missing. Let’s try not to miss any more of them.

Now teens, go learn, lead, and lay the way to a better world for all of us. Let’s make sure that we slow down a little bit, truly pay attention, and get to deeply know other people because it really is worth it. And once again, thanks in advance for all that you do, and all that you will do…

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