Ten Horror Movies GigaMundo Recommends

Are you a movie lover? Do you like that genre that causes at least “butterflies in your stomach” and makes you want to look back in fear of being persecuted?

So know that you are not alone: besides you, there is a vast legion of people who are fanatical about what has been called the Horror (or Horror) genre.

Honestly, my preference (almost a religious fanaticism) is for suspense films, the kind that deals with spirits or supernatural cases. My fanaticism has already reached the point that in a period of three or four days of the holiday, I rented no less than eight films of the thriller genre (with some also categorized as horror, but that’s ok).

Well, anyway, this time I decided to talk about the ten horror movies that I recommend having already watched (and just below I bring the name of another five that I haven’t watched yet, but that I have immense interest in).

Well, let’s go to the first on the list then?

The Exorcist

The classic cannot be ignored! Based on a real case of exorcism (I have, by the way, the book that reports the case of the original exorcism, at another time I publish an analysis about it here 😉 ), The Exorcist simply manages to score due to the level of reliability there is.

Horror movies usually end up exaggerating a lot in the “cinematic lie”, which ends up breaking that fear of “something that can happen” and people start laughing saying “that’s impossible!”, but you won’t see much of that in this film, in fact, upon analysis, I found it really faithful to what can happen in a situation like that, and that is what ends up moving us, scaring us.

So, if there’s a first horror movie that I always recommend, it’s The Exorcist (the first one, besides that, the third one is also “nice” and that’s it, the second and fourth – The Beginning – ended up not being so faithful to the line traced by the first and, therefore, lose in quality).

The Blair Witch Project

This is another really good movie. I usually like to look at the screen and think if it really follows logic, for example, if what those young people were doing was really something someone would do in that situation, if the way they felt was really how someone would feel, etc.

And yes, The Blair Witch Project carries a lot of that, despite sometimes going a little overboard (for example, there are certain scenes where a person wouldn’t have the damn camera running in front of their face, but would, have faith in God and foot on the board! But that’s ok…).

The film is good, no matter if the witch is real or not because the teenagers’ fear is “real”, the problems they face are “real” and that is enough for the film to be at least remembered.

Terror in Silent Hill

This film, based on the game franchise known as Silent Hill, tells one of several fictional cases that take place in the city of Silent Hill, a city cursed by its past.

What’s interesting about it? The way “darkness” was created, something that dominates the city putting it under chaos, pain, and harrowing suffering.

The city still has a few inhabitants (in fact, the plot does not make it very clear at the beginning if those people are really alive or if they belong to the other dimension, the one that comes to light when the darkness spreads), each one with strong involvement and a good reason to still be there.

I believe that this is one of the films that best managed to be faithful to what is preached by the predecessor media (in this case, the game), both for the graphics and for the way the narrative succeeds.

Even if you don’t like the game, you’ll like this horror/suspense movie.

The Exorcism of Emily Rose

This is another demonic possession movie, also based on true events. And the truer they are to the fact, the more we shake in our seats from the fear that “something that might happen” generates in our minds.

At first, I thought it would be another exorcism movie like that, but it seems that the director watched The Exorcist, and he liked it better, he decided to invite Freddy Krueger and Jack the Ripper to participate in order to have more audience. Lucky for me, I was wrong. 🙂

The Hidden Friend

Another film that brings a lot of the idea of “this could really happen” and interweaves the facts in the best suspense genre is O Amigo Oculto.

The plot begins like some others: the father of a quiet girl begins to go through problems after her mother’s death and she starts playing with an imaginary friend. From then on, the plot unfolds in a way that only towards the end do things begin to fall into place.

Of course, I won’t tell you the ending, why spoil it? Watch and check then.

The Call

I would say that the brilliance of The Ring is in the way it exposes the contact between the spirit that haunts the film and the people. Enriched by curiosities and facts about the supernatural from Japanese culture, uniting even a number of already established elements from suspense and horror films, we can say, yes, that O Chamado is a great work of the genre.

A curious fact is that O Grito was also released later, another film that works with elements similar to O Chamado. Okay, that’s nothing funny. The “curious” thing is that generally those who like The Call the most don’t like the way The Scream was presented, and in the same way, those who like The Scream the most negatively criticize The Call. Well, I’m part of the group that prefers the former. 😀

The Prophecy

The next film deals with the story of a family that begins to realize strange facts occurring since the birth of the firstborn. The father, then, begins to run after the evidence and little does he know that he will discover that his family is involved in a great prophecy (actually not his family, but the coming of his son).

This movie was recently recreated. I didn’t watch the second version (or at least I don’t remember watching it), but what I saw in the first makes me sure that this film also has its good elements, like a photographer who realizes that his photos are beginning to show traces of how the next involved in the plot will die.


I’m not a big fan of massacres and that’s why it took me a while to “glue” the idea of this type of film to me. In fact, it was my wife (at the time, still a girlfriend) who convinced (read here, forced) me to watch the first of the movies I watched in this series (Saw 3, which was showing at the time).

I wrinkled my nose, jumped on the chair, made the face of who was with me that all that slaughter was happening. But at the end of the movie, there I was, alive. Ufa!

Later, they invented me to release the room. There I would have to go again to watch. O_O

Now things started to get better and, after the fourth film… I ended up becoming interested in the genre, in the profile of the “murderer” and I continued watching the following films.

It’s like I say and I repeat: if you like something and you see it a lot, it becomes an obsession or you get sick of it. But if you don’t like it and somehow feel forced to do it, little by little you begin to identify yourself through the trauma generated and it becomes part of you. This is how criminal experts explain why victims of serial killers are likely to become one. It’s okay that after I said that, my wife started to look at me suspiciously, but… let’s go ahead. 🙂

Poltergeist, The Phenomenon

I watched this movie and honestly, in this day and age I wouldn’t consider it so terrifying, with so many other references. But it is worth remembering that this was also one of the milestones in its genre at its time.

The story of the little girl who begins to be haunted by a mysterious force leads to a plot that is sometimes quite fanciful, but which also has its “whys”.

If I remember correctly, this film is one of those that join the ranks of “strange cases that happened during the recording and after the exhibition”. If you want to know what I’m talking about, just do a search on the Internet and you’ll definitely find the same curiosities that made me want to watch the movie.


Sincerely? I don’t like panic. A lot of screaming and ketchup (the fake blood they use) are not my genre. But I’ve included it here as a representative of “lots of death, little sense, and even fewer survivors” horror movies.

We can find other films in this group as well, such as “I Know What You Did Last Summer” and its entire sequel.

Also from this group (but with new elements) is also the Premonition series (with less ketchup, if I remember correctly).

If you like this type of movie, here are good indications. 😉

Well, these are the ten movies I watched and recommend. In addition to these, there are many other excellent films that unfortunately I have not yet had the pleasure of watching. Five of them are:

  • Night of the Living Dead
  • Rosemary’s Baby
  • Horror in Amityville
  • The Silence of the Lambs
  • Carrie the Stranger

I hope this list has pleased those who are interested in the genre. 🙂


  1. ola amigos sou fã dos filmes de terror gostaria de participar dos filmes de terror como eu me escrevo para fazer um filme obrigado ildo campinas sp

  2. Olá, José Ildo, tudo bem?

    Bem interessante sua pergunta, então merece uma resposta no mínimo à altura e vou me esforçar para isso, ok?

    Se você me perguntasse isso uns quatro ou cinco anos atrás, eu não saberia como responder-lhe, mas em 2006 morei em Belo Horizonte-MG e lá fiz amizade com um rapaz que já havia participado como coadjuvante de um filme, produção de estudantes de um curso de graduação de artes no qual haviam disciplinas ligadas à área de cinema.

    Em minha cidade natal (Aracaju-SE, onde estou vivendo agora), infelizmente não há um curso com tais disciplinas, então por aqui não há produções amadoras de filmes independentes.

    Se na sua cidade houver algum curso nessa área, você pode procurar saber naquela instituição se os alunos produzem filmes independentes e como entrar em contato para uma possível participação como coadjuvante (que não é nada complicado, já que para os papéis coadjuvantes não é exigida experiência em teatro).

    Se não houver em sua cidade e você não puder deslocar-se para outra em que haja, o jeito é fazer o que muitas pessoas que possuem interesse e não vêem outra solução fazem: arregaça as mãos e produzem o filme pessoalmente. 🙂

    Para isso, uma boa dose de conhecimentos de teatro, roteiro e confecção de figurino/maquiagem (filmes de terror precisam de máscaras e maquiagem adequadas, concorda?) é interessante, além de alguns recursos financeiros (aquisição de uma câmera de qualidade razoável, possível locação de algum lugar para gravações, compra de materiais e roupas, etc.)

    Sendo bem sincero: não se intimide! Se você quer participar de um filme de terror, mas não encontrar uma escola onde haja alunos gravando algum, junte-se a outros amigos com o mesmo interesse e comece planejando uma tomada ou curta de 10 a 15 minutos, grave, edite, publique no YouTube (se tiver interesse, pode me passar depois e eu adoraria divulgar aqui, pois fico feliz em ver os frutos que partem das discussões aqui iniciadas) e divulgue ao máximo! Todo início deve sempre partir de algum lugar!

  3. Olá pessoal,tenho 14 anos,mas gosto muito de filmes de terror,horror,suspense.Mas digo uma coisa,hj em dia o filme tem qu ser bastante feio pra me assustar,pq de tanto eu ver acaba perdendo a graça.
    Aí vai filmes de terror que eu não gostei e não recomendo:


    Interessantes pra mim são aqueles que o divulgador das dicas do filme colocou,então bons filmes e bons sonhos(hehehe,piadinha)

  4. Olá Danielly, tudo bem? Fico feliz que tenha gostado de nossa lista de filmes. 🙂

    Planejamos publicar outras listas de filmes bem interessantes, já que há muito não falamos sobre cinema. Vou até “agendar” aqui o próximo artigo e espero que você goste dele também, ok?

    Se não concordar, já sabe, fique à vontade para criticar!

  5. Gostei da maioria dos filmes da lista, menos “Pânico” que sinceramente é um filme sem história e sem sentido algum. E ainda não tive coragem de assistir “O exorcista”
    minha dica é filmes do Stephen King como ROSE RED e IT – UMA OBRA PRIMA DO MEDO, apesar desse ultimo não ter nada a ver com o livro é um filme que dá bastante medo.
    O ORFANATO também é muito bom, vale a pena assistir.
    O LABIRINTO DO FAUNO é mais um suspense, mas apesar de ser bem tétrico, tem uma história comovente.

  6. Muito bom, sou viciado em “O Chamado” e “Jogos Mortas” (todos)… gostei da lista, vou procurar os que ainda não assisti. Agora, em relação aos que você não viu ainda, O Silêncio dos Inocentes é muito bom, assim como toda a sequência com o Dr. Hannibal Lecter, Antony Hopkins é muito bom em todos os filmes; mas o Horror em Amityville me decepcionou, se você gosta de se assustar não é um bom filme, pelo menos eu não levei nenhum susto, mas fica de sua escolha. : )

  7. concordo com alguns da lista mas tiraria panico,jogos mortais,amigo oculto e a profecia e colocaria os novos atividade paranormal e evocando espiritos e os espanhois o orfanato e o primeiro rec e ja ia esquecendo o sexto sentido

  8. Olá Gabriel, tudo bem? Infelizmente ainda não assisti Jogos Mortais 1 e 2, mas já assisti ao 3, 4, 5 e 6 e posso dizer que são muito bons. Gostei tanto que até já pensei em uma trama de livro inspirada nessa série e em outro filme que gosto muito (não vou contar qual é o outro, senão estragaria a graça da história, e vai que eu realmente o escreva e publique? 😉 ).

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