The Right Way To Set And Achieve Your Goals

People set their goals differently, depending on the situation they’re in, what resources they have available, and what their physical capacity is. And there are countless things that people take into consideration when setting goals. You should, however, always strive to make your goal realistic and achievable. A common mistake when setting goals is aiming too high right away, only to overreach and get disappointed. Here are some tips if you often do this.

Being Specific

To complete your goals, they have to be specific so you know where you are in the process and which methods take you closest to success. In order to know what you truly want, it’s helpful to be specific about your personal goals. General descriptions are usually in the form of generalizations and without boundaries, so there is always some room for error or compromise. If you want great results, it’s important to be specific.

More specifically, you need to provide the full details. Hi, I want to get $1 million by October of this year. I need to become the key supervisor of the sales division by next week. I want my kids, Taylor and Chad, to become best friends beginning tomorrow. Include the names, the position, the amount date, etc.

Being Measurable

In order to determine how well you have been doing recently, it is important to set goals. These should be measurable so that you know where you are going, and it is easier to see when they are achieved. To help you take measurements of your paths and goals, you should include concrete details. For your work, you can include details such as the number of hours you’re working, the amount you’re earning, and what kind of staff you need. The financial goal you should work towards is setting the amount of money you want to make as a whole, how many companies or businesses you want to own, naming your contact persons, etc. It is always a good idea to have things to measure you against your goals. This way, you know when you are closer and can make adjustments accordingly. If you’re halfway to your goal, it means you’re earning $50,000 a month by only focusing on that task.

Being Attainable and Realistic

Setting achievable goals is important. Some people set goals that are too unrealistic to reach. This could result in disappointment, which can lower the confidence of those people. Make sure the objectives you set for yourself are reasonable and achievable. Providing you have sufficient resources, a realistic timeframe, and the capabilities to get it done. Some examples of impossible goals are instantly doubling your salary, getting a promotion higher than someone else’s position, etc. Some goals can be achieved faster than others if they have paths to back them up. You must always have a plan in mind for the biggest goals of your company.


To set your goals, You may need to set a timeline or complete an entire list of tasks. It’s a good idea to be specific with deadlines and give yourself enough time by setting realistic, achievable goals. For example, you might want to spend 1 hour a day with your spouse starting tomorrow (indicate the exact date and time). Decide when you want to do your goal and make it a solid commitment. Even just setting the date will put your goal at the forefront of your mind and make it harder to put off another date you may have set before. Breaking down larger goals into smaller, more achievable tasks is also helpful in accomplishing them so try to stay on task. You can complete all tasks sequentially and finally reach the biggest one.