China's Future in the World - Book Review

China’s Future in the World – Book Review

Many of those who study world affairs, international politics, and perhaps, read Foreign Affairs magazine each month; they understand that the biggest new development and for the next two decades will be the rapid economic growth of China. The United States has been fueling the Chinese build-up as their GDP has hit the number three spot in the world and slightly slipped back to number four, although it will soon pass both Japan and Germany in GDP.

Most of those looking at all this wonder how long it will take for China to become the second Super Power along side of the US. These folks are obviously concerned with China’s international behavior. So, for those folks, I’d sure like to recommend a very good book to you;

“China’s International Behavior; Activism, Opportunism, and Diversification” by Evan S. Medeiros, Report Prepared for the United States Air Force in conjunction with the Rand Corporation; Santa Monica, CA, 2009; ISBN 978-0-8330-4709-0 (279 pages).

One interesting quote that must be noted was this paragraph;

The scope of China’s military exchanges is growing. According to China’s 2008 national defense white paper:

China has established military ties with over 150 countries, and has military attache offices in 109 countries. A total of 98 countries have military attach offices in China. In the past two years [2006-2008] senior PLA delegations have visited more than 40 countries, and defense ministers and chiefs of the general staff from more than 60 countries have visited China.”

Of course, China’s military is only one topic, and one that was barely discussed in this book, as this book focuses on the needs of the that nation, the alliances it is making, and the trading partners it is bringing on-board. I’d recommend this work for anyone whose serious about studying the future of China.

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